Tuesday, May 2, 2023

I'm Not a DevOps Guy, But Here's How You Can Optimize Your Company

As someone who's not a DevOps guy, you may find it strange that people often label me as such. Truth be told, I am passionate about team communication and process improvement. DevOps just happens to be the lowest hanging fruit when it comes to enhancing organizational efficiency. I see so many unoptimized processes and people not talking to each other, leading to an overloaded and unproductive workforce.

In the eyes of engineers and managers, there seems to be a complaint – a desire for change. But there's also an apparent blindness that prevents them from seeing how to improve the current status. I'm not a DevOps guy, but the DevOps ideas are easier to sell than process management or knowledge management. So, let me share with you some key steps to optimize your company using DevOps principles.

  1. Identify pain points and opportunities for improvement: Look for areas in your current processes that cause inefficiencies, delays, or miscommunications. These could be within your engineering team, HR, finance, or customer support. Addressing the "lowest hanging fruit" will kickstart the transformation process.
  2. Promote cross-functional collaboration: Foster an environment where different departments and teams can share knowledge and learn from each other. This will help break down organizational silos and create a more cohesive company culture.
  3. Develop tailored roadmaps for each department: For each department or process identified for optimization, create a customized roadmap addressing the specific challenges and requirements unique to that area. This will ensure that the proposed improvements are relevant and actionable.
  4. Empower employees and encourage ownership: Give employees the tools, resources, and authority to contribute to process improvements. This will not only lead to a more efficient company but also foster a sense of fulfillment and happiness among your workforce.
  5. Establish a culture of transparency and continuous improvement: Openly share the results and successes of implementing DevOps practices across the company, and encourage a mindset of ongoing learning and adaptation. This will maintain momentum and drive growth.
  6. Reevaluate company structure: As your organization becomes more agile and efficient, assess your existing company structure to ensure it supports this new way of working. This may involve redefining roles, streamlining processes, or creating new communication channels to better align with your optimized workflows.

By following these steps, you can gradually transform your entire company, making it more efficient, agile, and adaptable. This will not only lead to improved performance but also create a happier and more engaged workforce that feels empowered to drive change and contribute to the ongoing success of the organization.

Remember, you don't have to be a DevOps guy to recognize the value of efficient communication and optimized processes. It all starts with identifying the lowest hanging fruit and building momentum through consistent progress and continuous improvement. With these principles in mind, you can make a real difference in your organization – one optimized process at a time. And who knows, maybe one day, people will start calling you a DevOps guy too!


  1. Loved the funny and insightful idea. On how to organise and share information with other colleagues and department. Thank you for sharing
