Monday, October 21, 2013

Save AIRBNB in New York

I've used AIRBNB only once so far, but it was suitably in a trip to New York.  Earlier this year I went there with my wife on our first wedding anniversary.

While there people commented about some complaints from local hospitality industry complaining that the website was removing profit from them.

Honestly I doubt that is true, in fact I would never have gone to NYC if it had not been for the competing prices of this website. When we were there, we effectively brought money in, not only by the local attractions but also by the restaurants, souvenirs and some shows we attended.

On top of all that we had a great opportunity to spend some time with our hosts get some insights and casual conversations not usually available to the traditional tourists.

All in all, I just wanted to leave here my support and appeal to help keep AIRBNB in NYC and in the US. It will definitely increase the likelihood of us going back to the US on holiday.

If you agree with this, you can sign a petition online, here:

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